
This weekend I traveled to Hochatown, Oklahoma, population 242 + 1 Bigfoot. Ask anyone in town and they’ll have a story to tell about the history and legendary sightings. They either truly believe or they choose to believe because it’s better than the alternative and makes for a richer experience.

I never quite understood the allure of conspiracies, of lore, of magic. Why someone would choose to believe in something they can’t prove is real.

But today I believe.

Maybe not in Bigfoot, but in believing for believing’s sake.

I believe in the power of positive thinking.

I believe in asking “What could go right?” instead of considering all the ways it could go wrong.

I believe in assuming the best — in people, in intentions, in outcomes.

I believe in whatever combination of science and higher powers and hard work and luck makes everything possible.

I believe that we’ll never know the “truth” but that’s not the point.

I believe that choosing to believe makes for a richer experience.

One year ago today, I started sharing my story. I’ve lost count of the number of times I heard the words “so much can change in a year” and never believed they would apply to me.

But today I believe.

So I bought a Bigfoot keychain in a Hochatown gift shop to commemorate this year, this moment, this pregnancy.

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